At iRepack you will find a wide range of stocks of mobile phones, tablets, smartwatches, and modems. Our warehouse has devices of all kinds of grades.
We understand that every customer has unique needs, and that’s why we have a team of highly trained sales professionals who speak several languages.
To help with your purchasing decision, we invite you to take a look our Grading document. It comprises a detailed explanation of the aesthetic and functional characteristics of each of our grades. This grading document will allow you to make an informed choice, ensuring that you receive a product that meets your expectations.
We are passionate about enabling more people from around the world to have access to more sustainable technology and we are commited to making the process beneficial for everyone involved.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or to do your first trial order. We are here to help you.
Leave us your e-mail to download our grading
C/ Albasanz, 14 bis 28037 Madrid - España